Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

  • 2

    Session 1

    • Room Arranging and Color

    • Tools and Supplies

    • Interview with the Client

    • Safety

    • Room Arranging

    • Choosing Color

    • Media- Room Arranging

    • Media- Color

    • Media- Color Demo

    • Session 1 Video Recording

    • Session 1 Audio Recording

  • 3

    Session 2

    • Art, Accessories and Staging Tips

    • How to Choose and Hang Art

    • Accessory Placement

    • Lighting

    • The Basic Principals of Real Estate Staging

    • Media- Art

    • Media- Accessories

    • Media- Staging - Fabric Demo

    • Media- Staging - Decorating Solutions

    • Session 2 Video Recording

    • Session 2 Audio Recording

  • 4

    Session 3

    • Business Start-Up, Contracts, Designer Perks, Marketing 1

    • Business Start-Up Information

    • Contracts

    • Designer Perks

    • Marketing Your Business

    • Session 3 Video Recording

    • Session 3 Audio Recording

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    Session 4

    • Marketing 2, Pricing, Vacant Staging, Staging Reports

    • Marketing 2

    • Pricing Your Services

    • Supplement: Vacant Staging, Leasing Accessories

    • Verbal Staging Report

    • Code of Ethics and List of 1st 12 Things to Do

    • Media- Vacant Home Staging

    • Session 4 Video Recording

    • Session 4 Audio Recording

    • Storage for Accessories for Staging

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    • Appendix, Articles, Vendors, Etc.

    • Contracts

    • Misc. and FORMS

    • Wow Factor

    • Redesign Your Life

    • Tranformations Students, 2016

    • Transformations Video Floorclub Walkthrough

    • Certificate

    • Becky's Manual Notes

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    Self Assessment

    • Self Assessment Test- The test is “open book” and you can go back and find answers in the chapters above. The purpose is to show you areas that you need to review.